With the major TV channels available on the Internet and research reports indicating the next generation don't watch TVs what is the new dynamic?
Event Summary
With the major TV channels available on the Internet and research reports indicating the next generation don't watch TVs what is the new dynamic?
Further information
With the major TV channels available on the Internet and research reports indicating the next generation don't watch TVs what is the new dynamic? TV licensing a putting a brave face on the situation by claiming that the license fee is still relevant. Mobile devices capable of receiving video programming promise to generate new revenue streams but not so far. Advertising on TV is starting to look antiquated with ad revenues diverted to targeted audiences through new media. Where will this all lead? Our panel of experts will identify the challenges and opportunities to help you cut through the hype and answer the question - "Where's the money?"
Email: info@rtstvc.org.uk
Panel: Chris Forrester - Journalist and Industry Commentator, Dan Cryan - Senior Analyst - Screen Digest, Jonathan Dunn - Director - Mergers & Acquisitions - Media Sector - Ernst & Young, Jeff Henry - former Chief Executive ITV Consumer and Roger Stanwell - CEO IABM
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