Baird Lecture 2009

Baird Lecture 2009

Thursday, 11 June, 2009


University of Birmingham Business School
B15 2TX
United Kingdom
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 This year's Midlands Centre Baird Lecture will be given in the University of Birmingham's Business School Theatre. Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham. B15 2TX.

Event Summary

Baird Lecture 2009.
This year's Midlands Centre Baird Lecture will be given in the University of Birmingham's Business School Theatre. Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham. B15 2TX.
Iain Logie Baird will be the lecturer, the name is not a coincidence, Iain is a grandson of John Logie Baird.
Iain Logie Baird is the Curator of Television at the National Media Museum in Bradford, West Yorkshire (formerly the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television).

He began his career as Collections Curator at Toronto's privately-owned MZTV Museum, which has since transferred its collections to Cinematheque Quebecoise in Montreal and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. He has also worked as Assistant Curator at Toronto's CBC Museum.

Iain is one of five grandchildren of the Scottish inventor John Logie Baird, who demonstrated the world's first television pictures.

John Logie Baird's demonstration of Noctovision in Leeds in 1927 led to the founding of the Television Society in 1928. Iain's talk will centre around the story of the origin of the Television Society, and images and objects from the Museum's collection will be discussed to retrieve the feel of the Television Society in those early experimental days. The second half of the talk will contrast today's television environment with the historic context to consider how our perceptions of television have changed over these 80 years.

To reserve your free place or places at this prestigious lecture please log onto the following and reserve your place/s.



Iain Logie Baird


Booking Instructions



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Location Details

B15 2TX
United Kingdom

 This year's Midlands Centre Baird Lecture will be given in the University of Birmingham's Business School Theatre. Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham. B15 2TX.