RTS Wales Centre Student Television Awards 2017

Awards Ceremony
The RTS Wales Centre Jury panel consisted of the following members:
Zoe Rushton, (Jury Chair) Talent Manager, BBC Cymru Wales
Sian Morgan Lloyd, Lecturer, School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University
Gwawr Martha Lloyd, Content Commissioner, Drama, S4C
Huw Eryl Philips, Freelance Director
Huw Rossiter, Manager, Public Affairs, ITV Cymru Wales
The Jury were pleased to see an increase in the number of entries this year, sent in from universities from across Wales. The entries received covered the competition categories, Animation, Comedy & Entertainment, Drama, Factual, and Short Feature.
The Jury Members were impressed with the high standard evident in many of the programmes and short animations submitted, which clearly demonstrated a mastery of technical and production techniques.
The RTS Awards are for student television productions that show outstanding visual and aural creativity, a mastery of craft skill, innovation and initiative. Productions should also take account of the requirements of broadcast television and the Jury Members based their decisions mainly on these criteria.
Craft Skills Awards
At their discretion, the Jury this year decided that three awards could be made in the craft categories, Camerawork, Editing, and Production Design.
The Award winners were announced at the Wales International Documentary Festival, which was held in Blackwood on 7th April 2017.
The first prize winner in each category (except the Craft Skills Awards) was submitted for judging at the UK final of the RTS Student Television Awards, held in London on 16th June 2017.
Animation: Andrew James
There were six entries in total in this category, all submitted by the University of South Wales. The energetic Roadkill made effective use of music and featured compelling story-telling and composition. The highly original Velu Laiks set out an enigmatic story, with effective technique, but the jury felt it lacked a clear ending. However, there was unanimous agreement around the extraordinary Dimensions, which the jury felt already had the potential for broadcast without requiring any further production work. It featured an original storyline, based on a clever transition from real life to an animated world with an effective pay-off full of suspense.
Comedy & Entertainment: Glyn Rainer, Nathan Launchbury-Jones
Both entries in this category came from the University of Wales Trinity St David, however only one entry, the pop video, Where Have You Gone?, was worthy of nomination. The video included some strong dramatic images that fully complemented the featured song.
Video available in YouTube
Drama: Ashley Rhys Evans
Two entries in this category were received from Aberystwyth University, with one from the University of South Wales. However the jury felt that only two of the entries were of sufficient standard to be nominated. Both nominated entries were produced in the Welsh language. The jury commended the ambition of Aros, which set out a number of interwoven story-lines. Although it was occasionally inconsistent in tone, it presented a skilfully composed multi-layered soap drama that was compelling with a highly amusing cliff-hanger. Yr Hen a Wyr presented a sympathetic account of the emotional impact of early onset dementia, featuring a strong performance from its central character. However, although technically competent, the Jury felt its overall narrative lacked direction and clarity.
Video available in YouTube
Factual: Lizzie Ryder-Smith, Tesni Bowbanks
The jury were generally impressed with the very high standard of entries in this category. The research and development required for Living Behind Numbers resulted in a very compelling and impactful documentary about one man's obsession with credit card forgery. However, its narrative flow was uneven and it lacked pace in places. Ladies Who Lunch provided a well-observed account of the women who provide meals in a valley's school. It made effective use of humour, but the Jury felt that production would benefit from further editing with more attention paid to its overall structure. A very moving account of differing lives was presented in Century Sisters. A high standard of production was evident, with close attention to detail and relevant research, which enabled the producers to capture some very special moments in the lives of the two sisters featured in the programme.
Video available in YouTube
Short Feature: John Dolman
Two entries in this category were received by the University of Wales Trinity St David and four from the University of South Wales. Colossus offered an intriguing taster and an amusing story, based on a surprising intrusion during a camping holiday. However it felt undeveloped and possibly just a prelude to a fuller story-line. Out of Time made good use of animated special effects and the story featured a clever, unexpected twist at the end. Astra-Radix offered an authentic take on retro science fiction, through the use of modern techniques and effects, to create a compelling and intriguing excerpt of a grand tale about the re-birth and colonisation of a planet.
Video available in Vimeo
Craft Award - Production Design: Mia Goddard
Craft Awards - Camerawork and Editing: Adam Rockingham Gill, Freddy Raistrick, Jack Wakeham, Lukas Burks, Sam Jordan-Richardson
Lukas Burks and Sam Jordan-Richardson are pictured at the top of the page.