Norman Green receives Tony Pligrim Award 2011

Norman Green receives the RTS Tony Pilgrim Award
At a packed meeting on 19th January - the founder of the London Centre and sole chairman of the Events Committee – Norman Green was presented with the Tony Pilgrim award for services to the Society
The RTS Hon Secretary David Lowen, said “Norman has had a distinguished career in the forefront of television engineering for more that a generation.” “Most importantly he has been able to communicate why the technical changes are so important for creating opportunities and change in the non engineering aspects of television.”
Norman expressed genuine surprise that the Society chosen him for this its highest award, and then paid tribute to the support that his wife Sandra had given him and the RTS in London over the 35 years since he founded the Centre. Some times it had been hard work - but it has always been so very enjoyable to be involved with all those in the world of television
Tony Pilgrim was the first Hon Secretary of the Society, and held senior positions in BBC Engineering in the Midlands for over 30 years.
RTS Tony Pilgrim Award: Norman Green