Congratulations to the RTS winning students from IADT/NFS and Ballyfermot FE College.
Student productions in drama and animation from two colleges in the Republic of Ireland area won four awards in the RTS Student Television Awards 2020.
Congratulations to the award winning students from IADT/NFS and Ballyfermot FE college winning against high-quality competition from across the UK and Ireland at the RTS Television Awards in June 2020.
The 2020 undergraduate RTS winners are:

Drama: Emma Smith, Caoilinn Handley, Rachel Moloney, Lori Stacey, Anna Heisterkamp and team
Title: Starry Night
Production Company: IADT/NFS

Craft Award - Writing: Rachel Moloney
Title: Starry Night
Production Company: IADT/NFS

Craft Award - Camerawork: Anna Heisterkamp
Title: Starry Night
Production Company: IADT/NFS

Craft Award - Sound: Rose Connolly
Title: CTRL-Alt-Z
Production Company: Ballyfermot College of Further Education