22 May 2014 – The University of Sunderland hosted the Royal Television Society (RTS) North East and Borders Centre, Young Peoples’ Media Festival (YPMF). The festival celebrates work from students, schools and colleges throughout the North East, North Yorkshire, and Cumbria at events for junior and senior pupils.
BBC TV’s Wolfblood star Rachel Teate and BBC senior producer and presenter Chris Jackson hosted the events. Tony Edwards (Festival Director) and Joanna Makepeace (Chair of the Judges) awarded the certificates to the winning teams and those commended. Fellow Wolfblood actor Bobby Lockwood presented the specially designed trophies to winning entrants at the Senior Event.
We have a Full Report, and Gallery of Pictures for you to see.
The call for entries to the 2015 Festival will be publicised this autumn. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email Donna Beardmore, University of Sunderland, or call 0191 515 3592. For more details of the Festival, visit our partner website, where you can access further information about the Festivals, guidelines, and terms & conditions, plus galleries and video from previous Festivals.