RTS London has decided to provide our members exclusively with some focused opportunities to find out more about what is happening and what may happen in this thriving sector.
Soon after the London Olympics members had an opportunity to see highlights of the games and the opening ceremony in incredible detail with the new Super High Vision system demonstrated to them in the Concert Hall at BBC Broadcasting House.
Other recent visits for RTS members have included BSKY B's energy efficient production facility Sky Studios, the BBC's HD studios including new work on 3D, BBC Research and Development and the reborn Ealing Studios which included a fascinating look at physical special effects.
RTS London is accountable to its members and we held our 2013 AGM on 15th May before one of our regular events– As well as electing two new people to the committee this gave members a chance to discuss the sort of events and activities that would be most appreciated.
Over a thousand members of the RTS work in or are associated with the world of Television in the London region and the RTS is the only organisation which covers all aspects of Television. Many members and others appreciate the opportunities to find out about other parts of the television production process including programmes, technology, systems as well as law and public policy.
If you want to join the RTS apply here or as student member for £10 a year