Who's ready for the heat wave? The ultimate game of love returns.
Love Island is back for another series on ITV2.
Caroline Flack will introduce viewers to a fresh batch of singletons all in search of the summer of their lives, with passion, romance and drama from the beginning.
Last year, 1.5 million viewers tuned in to watch Nathan Massey and Cara De La Hoyde win the show. This time round, the Love Islanders will be living in a brand new villa in paradise.
To remain in their plush surroundings, the Islanders will have to couple up, winning the hearts of each other and the public, who will ultimately decide who stays on Love Island.
Flack will pop up on the island throughout the series to deliver shock announcements and surprise twists that are guaranteed to test relationships.
The new series starts on Monday 5th June at 9pm on ITV2.
Meet this year's contestants:
The Girls

Olivia, 26, Motorsports Grid Girl from Surrey
Olivia is a no-nonsense girl; she's not fond of dates, she doesn't take rubbish from anyone and she knows what she looks for in a guy. "I think people would say I’m a bit of a player but I think that’s because I try not to take any rubbish from anyone so I think boys end up saying ‘she’s a player’ because they’ve not had their way with me," she says. She can be quite naughty, but is down to earth and always up for a laugh.
Jessica, 23, Glamour Model from Devon
Jessica was once engaged, but the relationship fizzled out. Now she wants to find someone serious to settle down with, as all her friends are either married or have kids. She says: "I don't really date a lot but I'm quite intense when I do date. I am a massive optimist. I probably give people more credit than they're due." She doesn't like guys that are full of themselves with no manners.

Amber, 20, Dancer from South Wales
Amber is often busy with work, so she thinks being on the Island will be the perfect opportunity to meet new people. "I’m a bit of a dating queen," she says. "I love to date. The key thing for me is finding humour. We need to have a good laugh, the chemistry will happen if we’re laughing." Amber has broken hearts though; she still has exes that follow her on social media, but she hopes they see it as water under the bridge.
Chloe, 22, Executive Assistant from Essex
Every guy Chloe has ever been with has cheated on her so she's excited meet new people on the island. She doesn't take herself to seriously and she's also a bit clumsy. "I meet so many pigs! I want to meet somebody nice," she says. "I think it's a nice opportunity to go to the Island where you have no idea who's in there and you have no choice but to get to know people and give them a chance. I mean, boys in Essex - come on! They're not great."

Camilla, 27, Explosive Ordnance Disposal from Dumfries
Camilla has a career that has taken her all over the world, but she thinks its time to start putting her personal life first. She wants to see what it would be like to be in a good relationship with someone. She says she can be "a bit cold, and come across that way, but that’s because I’m quite independent and strong."
Montana, 21, Economics student from Hertfordshire
Montana finds it hard to open up and can be quite blunt and brutal. Being cheated on at an early age has made it hard for her to trust guys. However she's fun, independent and spontaneous and ready to put herself out there, but is scared about the Love Island process. She says she's wary of "finding a boy I like, opening up to him, and getting pied. Nobody likes getting pied."
The Boys

Marcel, 31, Music Professional from London
Former Blazin' Squad member Marcel says that he's been looking for the right girl but doesn't know where to find her and thinks she might be on the island. He doesn't like drama in a relationship, so he tends to break hearts sometimes. His biggest turn-off is someone who's argumentative, but he admires confidence, "in fact, I love it - but I don't like arrogance. It's a fine line. If someone thinks they're too good, that's a turn-off for me."
Sam, 21, Oil Rig Worker from Middlesbrough
Sam wants to win; he's not on the show to make friends and if he has to step on someone's toes to win the competition he won't hesitate. He gets bored easy and only manages one or two dates with a girl. "I became single in September when [Love Island] were advertising, so it's kind of the first chance I've had to have a go at it. I actually am going to find love! I'm ready for that."

Kem, 21, Hairdresser from Essex
Kem is a cheeky chap, but wears his heart on his sleeve. He's either all in or all out. "There are not many people like me," he says. "I'm not your typical boy; I'm very, very different. I don't want to be the macho guy."
Dominic, 26, Careers Advisor from Manchester
The Mancunian claims he's "not just a pretty face, I've got the chat as well!" Dominic is a serial dater, but he likes to do fun things rather than anything too serious. People can find him full of himself, but when he finds the right girl he says he can be really romantic.
Harley, 22, Groundsworker from Norwich
"People would say I'm non-existent and married to the gym," says Harley. In fact he just prefers to having some 'me' time. Harley doesn't think he'll have any trouble interacting with girls on the island who may be already paired up with others as he'd graft for a girl he wanted.

Chris, 22, Golf Clothing Ambassador from Gloucestershire
Having always been for blondes, Chris says that he's looking for a brunette girl to break the mold. However he won't hesitate to dump a girl for someone else who comes in the villa that's better looking. "I think all guys have a wandering eye... men are just worse than women at everything."
Jonny, 26, Business Director from Essex
Jonny is taking time out his busy globetrotting lifestyle to find the girl of his dreams on the island. He says he has a habit of "bed hopping" (can never be good) and sleeping naked. He's got a tactical game plan; not going for the best looking girl as they are more likely to dump him.
All photos are credited by ITV Studios/Love Island.