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Wednesday, 26th January 2011

Have you stopped to think , most homes now have 10 or more digital devices in the home - and as many remotes lying around too. Do you know your P2 cards from your XD cams, HD Cams, DVC Pro100's to your HDV? If not this was the night for you.

Here's a flavour of the discussion..................

Graeme Charmers: Director and Cameraman, Mediasport Television.

"Nowadays people have 10 to 14 digital devices in their homes - it's a huge number! And what does this mean for us freelancers? Well it means a number of things: the first is that we, as industry professionals, are smack bang in the middle of the manufacturers and the public. We have the pooling power to put demands on manufacturers to keep improving technology to provide for the public. So, it is important that we freelancers keep in the know....for instance did you know that the BBC have just announced that by the end of 2006 everything will be shot in HD?"

To find out more about BBC going to Hi-Definition take a look at the BBC.Co.UK website

Mike Bryden: Outside Broadcast Specialist.

"I've been in this industry for 30 years and have seen a large number of changes, but what exactly is this new technology? Well there is Hi Definition, flat pannel displays, better battery technology, all of which adds up to greater reliability. This is good for our industry, and there are more changes to come. Sony now admit that the end of video tape may be near, and we can see prices in Hi-Definition comming down, but what has remained in this industry are its people. Hi Definition means more attention is needed for detail in make-up, set design, lighting and so on, which is good news for the people who control these things.... but my buz word for today is Carbon Nanotube technology (CNT) which are grown on a substrait and can be used to make a flat screen with a higher definition, more resolution and a display which is only 1 inch thick. All this for a manufacture price of under $400 (US)."

Why not find out more about Carbon Nanotubes.

Gareth Howells:Creative Director & Partner, Newhaven Advertising Agency.

"The world of advertising is embracing the new technology. For our client, Tennents Lager, we were able to show how tennents have brought live music to over 1 million people. We did this by filming 1 million people enjoying live music - literally. Shooting on DV and using ambient light on night time shoots saved us a huge portion of our budget. This wouldn't have been possible without this new technology"

To find out more about Tennents advert visit Newhaven Advertising Agency

Colin Mendham: Sales Director, Mitcorp UK

"New developments in Hi-Definition has led to the market expanding rapidly. This new technology is expanding beyond feature film budgets into the corporate market with a Sony Hi-D camera now costing less than a digibeta. It is possible to shoot in Hi-D and deliver in Standard Definition while you are waiting for your client to go Hi-D. Or you could choose to go tapeless using Cards and File based data management, which can be more convenient and cost saving than using tapes.....The P2 cards from Panasonic and the XDCam cartridges from Sony can record in a non linear fashion, content can be firewired into an Avid or Final Cut Pro direct - cutting down on linear digitising time and effort"

If you want to know more about these cameras why not visit Sony or Panasonic, or visit Mitcorp's website to see the products available.

After the discussion attendees had the chance to get their hands on some of these new technologies and to ask some detailed questions.

If this event has whetted your appetite for keeping up to date with technology then make sure you attend the next GADGET GOSSIP night - there will be more.

If you missed this Freelance Haven Event or would like to give us your feedback then please get in touch with our steering group.

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