Jeremy Paxman and Alastair Stewart OBE in conversation.
Just days after the conclusion of what is shaping up to be one of the defining elections of our time, two of television's leading interviewers, who will have been at the centre of proceedings will informally share their insiders’ view of exactly what happened.
RTS Legends Lunch
Tuesday 19 May 2015
London Hilton on Park Lane
12.30pm for 1.00pm
Tickets are £69.60 inc VAT (£58.00 + £11.60 VAT), per person and are inclusive of service but exclusive of beverage. Drinks may be purchased from the bar.
During the booking process you will be given the opportunity to advise of any special dietary requirements you or your guest(s) may have.
The RTS cannot guarantee to accommodate special requests unless notified at least two working days prior to the event.
Cancellations: The Society regrets refunds for cancellations can only be made 5 working days prior to the event and a 10% administration charge will be applied.
Wellington Ballroom and Harvest Suite
22 Park Lane
London, W1K 1BE
United Kingdom
(inc VAT @ 20% - VAT Number GB233 292 381) | £ 83.52 (includes VAT of £ 13.92) |
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