RTS Technology Centre Centre Past Events

RTS Technology Centre Centre Past Events

Previous Events

What is HDR Perceptual Quantization and who will be using it? Dolby expert...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 29/03/2017
The never ending demand for ever increasing compression performance has...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 15/02/2017
Unfortunately this event has now been postponed until next year, a new...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 07/12/2016
Our spectacular  Dinner Dance will be held on Friday 25th November at...
Fri, 25/11/2016
Small Cameras…  GoPro have released the HERO5 Black, the most...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 16/11/2016
Ultra HD
Sept 28th 7-30 - Queen Mary College Basingstoke - A joint RTS...
Wed, 28/09/2016
Summer BBQ
Perceptual Quantizing and Hybrid Log-Gamma are two emerging technologies...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 15/06/2016
Sadly this event had to be cancelled, but has now been re-arranged for Wed...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 25/05/2016
4K and now HDR are the hot topics du jour. But if we switch on new...
Thu, 17/03/2016
Sadly this event has now been canceled.
Wed, 17/02/2016
Time was when the only technology in a sports ground was a crackly public...
Calcot, Reading
Wed, 20/01/2016
Inspired by Brian Cuff’s recent presentation, John Watkinson ...
Wed, 09/12/2015