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RTS Midlands - Join in the excitement! 

From masterclasses, screenings and our not-to-be-missed annual careers fair, to the hilariously fun Big Telly Quiz and our glittering red carpet awards ceremony, each year we organise a fabulous calendar of events for you to attend.  

Follow us on twitter @rts_mids and keep an eye on the website for details of everything we're up to - and please get involved.

We want to know what's happening in the Midlands!

Please email details of your exciting telly projects to RTSMidlands@rts.org.uk - we are really keen to find out what's going on in our region - please keep in touch.

Midland Centre Contacts:

For all enquiries, please contact Centre Administrator, Jayne Rae by emailing RTSMidlands@rts.org.uk

Midlands Centre Committee 

Chair : Kully Khaila  

Vice Chair : Dorothy Hobson 

Finance Officer : Louise Brown

Governance Officer: Roz Laws